The dentures made today are much better than the type people wore decades ago, but they can still feel uncomfortable for many people. If you are having trouble with the way your dentures fit or feel, your dentist might ask you if you suffer from dry mouth. If you do, this could be the reason you are experiencing problems with your dentures. Here are three things you should understand about dry mouth and the effects it has on dentures.
Periodontitis is a serious form of gum disease. It leads to red, swollen, bleeding gums, but your gums aren't the only tissue affected by periodontitis; the ligaments and bones underneath your teeth can also be damaged. This serious disease can lead to complications like tooth loss, so if your dentist diagnoses you with periodontitis, treatment will start right away. Here are three surgical procedures that your dentist may recommend.
Pocket reduction surgery
If you are getting ready to get braces and are considering clear ones, you should not get your mind set on this option until after you have met with an orthodontist. While clear braces work great for some situations, there are other times when clear braces just won't do the trick. Luckily though, you can always get traditional braces, which will solve the problems you have with your teeth and bite.
Whether you are a skiing enthusiast or a recreational snowboarder, winter sports put a lot of stress on your body. Not only are your muscles put to the test on your favorite runs, but other part of your body tense up, as well. A lot of people don't realize that being involved in winter sports affects their oral health. It can even lead to a painful jaw disorder known as temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJD).
If you damage the pulp inside your tooth, an infection is likely to develop. In this case, a dentist from a clinic like Nordel Dental will normally carry out a root canal treatment to clean out the infected material. Root canal treatments are generally successful, but you'll sometimes need follow-up treatment if the infection doesn't clear up. An apicoectomy is a surgical procedure that some patients with failed root canal treatments undergo.