Losing a filling can be a mild inconvenience or a major health emergency, depending on the circumstances and the state of your tooth. Regardless of what you experience, knowing what to do is important if you want to avoid discomfort.
Assess the Situation
Don't panic, but do take a few minutes to assess the situation. If you still have the filling, save it in a small jar or bag. In some cases, your dentist will be able to reuse the filling, particularly if it is a crown or shaped bond that was made to look like a natural tooth surface.
Teeth have a big impact on the way a child's mouth and face develop as they grow. For instance, one prematurely lost tooth can lead to orthodontic treatment. That's why parents need to ensure their children get the best dental care possible. Children's dentists are more appropriate for children in several ways.
1. Children's Dentists Specialize in Children's Dental Problems
Typically, general dentists study dentistry at dental school for four years.
Tooth loss caused by genetic predisposition can be very frustrating because people may feel that they have little recourse in this situation. Thankfully, dentures can help a person keep their jaw strength healthy and avoid other issues that may unexpectedly develop due to tooth loss.
Lost Teeth Can Cause More Health Issues
Some people are prone to tooth loss and struggle to keep their teeth in great shape. For example, they may suffer from large cavities because their body produces more plaque and tartar or doesn't handle them as well due to genetic predisposition.
If you are looking to straighten misaligned teeth or to improve your bite, there are a variety of orthodontic treatments that may be able to help. Braces are typically used to align teeth and to correct bite issues. Braces can be put into place at any age and can improve both the appearance and function of your teeth. If you are considering braces, there are various things to consider. Here are three things to keep in mind when it comes to orthodontic treatments.
Many people have experienced the eruption of wisdom teeth but do not necessarily know what they are. Wisdom teeth are a set of third molars that appear at some point during young adulthood. If the wisdom teeth are left in the mouth, you may experience a variety of oral problems. Here are some things you should know about wisdom teeth.
Why Are They Referred to As Wisdom Teeth?
One of the most common questions is why are the teeth referred to as wisdom teeth.